
5 Best Dog Food Recipes for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF in Dogs)

dog food recipes for congestive heart failure

Your dog needs dog food recipes for congestive heart failure that are crafted for special needs. Remember blood circulation is an only way to circulate oxygen in the body, but congestive heart failure prevents your dog from normal breathing, it all starts when fluids accumulate in the lungs.

Is Almond Milk Good for Dogs?

is almond milk good for dogs

Almonds can be a great addition to your dog’s diet because, almonds have tons of healthy vitamins, minerals and many fo other nutrients that are beneficial for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Sesame Seeds the Widely Used Human Food?

can dogs eat sesame seeds

There is a well-known sesame plant known as sesamum indicium. Sesame seeds are the seeds of sesame plants. The beautiful thing about this plant is that it has foxglove like flowers that contains the pods having sesame seeds. When the seeds are mature enough, they burst open and are consumed.

Can Dogs Eat Okra the Warm Season Vegetable Called Ladies Finger?

can dogs eat okra

Okra is the oldest vegetable that exists on the planet earth. It originated in Ethiopia, and its cultivation started many centuries ago. The beautiful thing about this vegetable is that it has many purposes. Different parts of this vegetable can be used for various things, and it is equally beneficial for humans and dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Spicy Food and is it easily Digestieble for them?

can dogs eat spicy food

There is nothing on earth that can differentiate between a baby and a dog. Dogs are our closest companions and friends, but there is one thing you need to know. Despite being our favorite, there is a significant difference between the digestion of a dog and a human. In terms of feeding, we have to be very careful.

Can Dogs Eat Mustard the Thick Green Yellow or Brown Paste?

can dogs eat mustard

Mustard is a thick paste gotten from mustard seeds. It’s usually mixed with lemon juice or vinegar, water, or in the whole or grounded form. Mustard turns to a kind of a thick paste.
It is usually green, yellow, or brown. It is added to food and foodstuff to give flavor to the feed

Can Dogs Eat Edamame the Green Non-Toxic Beans?

can dogs eat edamame

The continuous use of this vegetable will add a lot of value to the nutrition of your dog. Edamame is a preparation of immature soybeans in the pod, found in cuisines with origins in East Asia.

Can Dogs Eat Plantains The Cooking Bananas?

Can Dogs Eat Plantains

Yes, dogs can consume plantains in moderation because there is nothing toxic in it, and it is rich in vitamins and fiber. However, you must remember that you shouldn’t overindulge your dog in eating plantains because then it may be harmful to your pet.