Can Dogs Eat Sesame Seeds the Widely Used Human Food?

can dogs eat sesame seeds

It takes a little while to get the proper knack for feeding your pet. With time we get to know what is safe to feed our puppies or what isn’t. Humans consume Sesame seeds with more than two dozen dishes, but here the real question is: Can dogs eat Sesam seeds?

Yes, dogs can eat Sesame seeds, the flowering plant seeds coming from Genus Sesamum also called benne; these appetizing, nutritious dense seeds contain Cholesterol, Fat, Saturated Fat, Protein, Calories, Phosphorus, and Selenium, which is supportive towards building good apatite, repair cracked paws, restorative for constipated dogs, and its antioxidant properties nurse to get the overall good health.

Best dog food for constipation is our other resource where we discuss foods that keep the dog’s bowel movement regular. 

What are Sesame Seeds?

There is a well-known sesame plant known as sesamum indicium. Sesame seeds are the seeds of sesame plants. The beautiful thing about this plant is that it has foxglove-like flowers that contain the pods having sesame seeds.

When the seeds are mature enough, they burst open and are consumed.

Sesame Seeds VS Sesame Oil

When it comes to feeding Sesame seeds to dogs, Sesame oil is most convenient to feed, as you can add oil to any food, and it provides the same benefits as seeds.

While on the other side, if you choose to feed seeds, you need to mix them with the other food, and most importantly, you need to cook the seeds well to feed. 

It’s easy to get oil, it’s easy to administer oil, and it’s easy to add it to any food that you usually feed to your dog, either commercial kibble or a home-cooked meal. 

Season of Sesame and its Varaities

Sesame seeds are wildly famous, and they have been used as a condiment for over 5000 years now. Most commonly, the seeds are found sprinkled on a hamburger bun.

Other than this, the seeds are also widely sprinkled on many Asian dishes and studded crackers. They are incredibly famous in middle Eastern, Mediterranean, Caribbean, and South Asian cuisines.

Sesame seeds grow widely in India in semi-rabi or Kharif summer season.

As far as the variety of these fantastic seeds is concerned, then there are white and black varieties of sesame seeds.

  • White Sesame seeds: can be used in most dishes, and they have a delicate flavor.
  • Black Sesame seeds: have a strong aroma, and they are also rich in flavor.

Black seeds are mostly used as bold ingredients to overwhelm the taste.

Why Sesame Seeds for Dogs?

Dogs are sensitive, and with time, they can get into many issues, mostly related to digestion or cracked paws. They also tend to get into joint severe troubles. Sometimes to avoid medication and treatments, it is essential to give your dog something healthy in consumption, and sesame seeds can be helpful in this regard.

Sesame seeds can be an ideal food choice for your dog because they are rich in ingredients.

One tablespoon of sesame seeds contains

  • Zero milligrams of cholesterol
  • 5-grams fat
  • Zero gram protein
  • 1 gram saturated fat
  • 17 calories

Nutritional Facts of Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are incredibly famous, and people have been reaping these seeds’ benefits for so many centuries. They are an excellent source of necessary ingredients for your dog.

Below listed powerful ingredients in the seeds can create wonders for your dog.

  • Rich in Vitamins: that will help your dog to have good eye health, also promotes healthy skin, vitamin B that will ensure the dog has a steady and stable energy level in its body.
  • High in Iron: keep the dog strong, healthy, and playful.
  • Contains Calcium: strengthen the bones and provide energy to build healthy Skelton, in short, keeps the dog young.
  • High Concentration of Copper: responsible for the maturation of red blood cells and the body’s proper functioning.
  • Protein and Carbohydrates: Sesame seeds are also rich in protein and carbohydrates. Collectively, protein and carbohydrates will ensure that your dog has a proper nutritious meal.

Can Dogs Eat Okra? Okra is indeed a vegetable that is not poisonous or toxic for your dog.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Dogs?

You must remember that there is no harm in feeding your dog these unusual seeds unless you feed them in moderation.

Excess of everything is terrible, and when it comes to food, excess food is entirely inadequate for your dog. It is entirely ok to give your dogs sesame seeds but make sure that you stay in moderation.

Now is the time to talk about the benefits of sesame seeds for the dog.

  • Sesame Seeds Have Antioxidant Properties: dogs are susceptible, and with time, they can get into a lot of diseases. There is one way to make sure your dog is healthy, stable, and fine if it has antioxidant properties. The best part about sesame seeds is that they have antioxidant properties beneficial in preventing and treating different diseases, including the circulatory system. Let’s say that your dog has some minor heart problems. With the continuous consumption of sesame seeds, it will recover.
  • Restore Lost Appetite of Dogs: dogs are in the habit of losing appetite after the change in the environment. For such dogs, these seeds can be magical because of their addictive flavor and ingredients. Within a few weeks, you will see that your dog’s lost appetite has been restored, and it is eating fine.
  • Remedy for Cracked Paws: winters can be hazardous for your dog’s health because it can suffer from dry, cracked paw pads. To ensure your dog’s health, it is imperative to feed it sesame seeds to recovers pleasantly.
  • Helpful in Constipation: These fantastic seeds have been serving both humans and dogs for so many centuries now. If a dog is suffering from constipation, then the regular consumption of these seeds would mean that it will recover from it pleasantly. Sesame seeds can ease constipation.

Possible Negative Sides of Feeding Sesame Seeds to your Dog?

Sesame seeds are indeed full of nutrition, but there are also some potential hazards associated with them. When you feed the seeds to your dog for the first time, you must note the reaction. If you see that they are getting allergic, then it is the best idea to stop feeding them. A healthy dog will have no problem-consuming sesame seeds, but some dogs can get into different issues.

  • Digestion issues: dogs’ bodies are designed to digest plant material and meet adequately to get into digestion issues during the consumption of these seeds. The regular intake of these seeds will, however, resolve this problem. Once their stomach gets used to these seeds, then they will not get into any digestive issues.
  • Inflammation of the Pancreas: sometimes, it is a good idea to stay careful when you feed sesame seeds to your dog. If you feel that your dog is allergic to these seeds’ consumption, then it is always the best idea to stop the intake. The pancreas can get into potential threats. The consumption of sesame seeds means the production of too much digestion enzyme production that can lead to the pancreas’ self ingestion.
  • Obesity: Sesame seeds are high in fat; it is good to limit the feeding. Sesame seeds are not the best for obese dogs because they will further deteriorate their situation. Obesity can cause many other serious health problems, including diabetes, pancreatitis, and heart disease. So precautions should be your utmost priority.

What to Do in Worse Condition?

It is not always possible to keep a check on your dog. Sometimes there is a possibility that your dog consumes an excessive amount of these seeds. In such a scenario, the dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and an upset stomach.

In this situation, it is best to limit the intake of food for your dog. If the condition further deteriorates, then a visit to a vet is the only option.

How To Feed the Sesame Seeds to Your Dog?

It would help if you remembered that you should not feed these seeds to your dog raw. It would help if you fed these seeds after they are cooked.

To ensure that your dog enjoys the taste of it you can give it by mixing it well with some tuna.

Final Words

Sesame seeds are rich in nutrition because of their ingredients. They can be ideal for your dog in different scenarios. However, it would help if you remembered that you should only feed this to your dog in moderation. Excess is never a good idea in this regard.

When you feel that the dog is allergic to the seeds, it is time to stop the consumption.

Also, it would be best if you remembered that obese dogs could not have these seeds.